Reference: ItemDef.txt


Contains a list of items.

Multiple ItemDef files may be loaded, as long as they are appropriately listed in the Packages/ItemPack.txt or Packages/ItemPackOverride.txt files.

This particular file contains the official list was extracted from Earth Eternal Reborn.

Resembles INI format with structured blocks.
Comment character: semicolon (;)
Each line is split into a key=value pair on the first "=" symbol.

Block Format

Property Type Description
mID Integer Internal item ID. This is used as a key into the table set. Must be unique.
mType Byte Determines broad item type (weapon, armor, consumable crafting plan). See the mType properties in the general reference for a list of valid types.
mDisplayName String Name of the item in the tooltip.
mAppearance String Appearance of this item when equipped. Refer to other items for proper string format.
mIcon String Icon to appear in the inventory. Foreground and background icons are separated by a pipe '|' character. Refer to other items for proper format. You may use the icon browser in game for a list of icons.
mIvType1 Byte Typical values are 1 (Stacking), 5 (Quest ID), or 10 (Bonus Value). Only stacking is supported by the server. The other types are generally not used by this field. See the mIvType properties in the general reference for a full list of types.
mIvMax1 Short This is the parameter for the IvType1 field. Most commonly used for Stacking type items, this is the maximum stack count.
mIvType2 Byte Typical values are 8 (Require Rolling), 9 (Lifetime). These parameters are currently not used by the server. See the mIvType table for a full list of possible values.
mIvMax2 Short This is the parameter for the IvType2 field.
mSv1 String This is a special flavor text. Often used for quest items.
_mCopper Integer Obsolete. This field was only used for very early client versions.
mContainerSlots Short If mType=6 (container type) then this is the number of inventory slots it provides when equipped.
mAutoTitleType Byte Unknown. Not used by any official items.
mLevel Short The item level as shown in the tooltip. Important: see the mMinUseLevel property, this is the actual level requirement to equip the item.
mBindingType Byte Determines whether the item binds to the player. Can be one of three possible values: 0 (Never), 1 (On Pickup), 2 (On Equip)
mEquipType Byte The general equipment type (one hand weapon, ranged weapon, chest armor, gloves, rings, etc). See the mEquipType properties in the general reference for a full list of valid types. Note that some are not used. Search the official ItemDef file to be sure.
mWeaponType Byte The general weapon subtype (one hand, bow, etc). See the mWeaponType properties in the general reference for a full list of valid types. Note that some are not used. Search the official ItemDef file to be sure.
mWeaponDamageMin Integer Minimum roll when factoring weapon damage into attacks.
mWeaponDamageMax Integer Maximum roll when factoring weapon damage into attacks.
_mSpeed Byte Obsolete. This field was only used in very early client versions.
mWeaponExtraDamangeRating Byte This typo exists in the client. Apparently an extension to allow extra elemental damage on weapons. Not supported by the server.
mWeaponExtraDamageType Byte If the above is nonzero, this is the element type of the applied damage (0=Physical, 1=Fire, 2=Frost, 3=Mystic, 4=Death, 5=Unblockable). Not supported by the server.
mEquipEffectId Integer Not sure if used in the client. Not used by the server.
mUseAbilityId Integer For consumable items (mType=5) this is the ability ID to trigger when using the item. See the ability table for valid IDs.
mActionAbilityId Integer Not sure if used in the client. Not used by the server.
mArmorType Byte Mostly obsolete. Formerly determined armor weights (cloth, light, heavy). Important values are 0 (None) or 5 (Shield). See the mArmorType properties in the general reference for a list of all values.
mArmorResistMelee Integer Physical defense.
mArmorResistFire Integer Fire defense.
mArmorResistFrost Integer Frost defense.
mArmorResistMystic Integer Mystic defense.
mArmorResistDeath Integer Death defense.
mBonusStrength Integer Strength.
mBonusDexterity Integer Dexterity.
mBonusConstitution Integer Constitution.
mBonusPsyche Integer Psyche.
mBonusSpirit Integer Spirit.
_mBonusHealth Integer Obsolete. This field was only used in very early client versions.
mBonusWill Integer Not supported by the server. Seems to be obsolete in the client too. No might equivalent.
isCharm Byte Not supported by the server. This must be set to 1 to send charm bonuses to the client.
mMeleeHitMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mMeleeCritMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mMagicHitMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mMagicCritMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mParryMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mBlockMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mRunSpeedMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mRegenHealthMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mAttackSpeedMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mCastSpeedMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mHealingMod Float Not supported by the server. Charm bonus.
mValue Integer Currency cost. If the currency type is coin, this is the price when sold to vendors (note that buying has a 2.5x markup price).
mValueType Byte Currency type. Possible values are 0 (Coin) or 1 (Credits). Credits are not supported by the server.
resultItemId Integer For crafting plans, this is the ItemDef ID of the item that the plan will create.
keyComponentId Integer For crafting plans, this is the ItemDef ID of the key component (typically a mold) that the plan requires.
numberOfItems Integer Total number of materials (excluding key component) that are required to craft this item.
craftItemDefId IntVect The ItemDef ID of a required material. Use multiple lines in the ItemDef file to require more than one (5 lines means 5 of that item)
mFlavorText String Flavor text. Allows the following basic HTML tags as supported by the client. This is not true HTML, it merely parses specifically recognized tags: <b> </b> <i> </i> <font size="22"> </font> <font color="00FF00"> </font> <br>

TIP: The client wraps flavor text in italics, so if the flavor text begins with </i> then it will appear as plain text instead.

mSpecialItemType Byte Not supported by the server. Indicates a bonus item type, commonly linked with the IvType values. Accepts the following values: 0 (None), 1 (Reagent Generator), 2 (Item Grinder), 3 (XP Boost)
mOwnershipRestriction Byte Not supported by the server. The maximum number of items of this type that the player may have in their inventory at any one time.
mQualityLevel Byte Item quality. Possible values: 0=Poor, 1=Standard, 2=Good, 3=Superior, 4=Epic, 5=Legendary, 6=Artifact
mMinUseLevel Short Minimum level required to equip the item.
Params String Extra server-specific parameters. Uses a key=value&key=value style format. See the Extra Params info below.

Extra Params for Consumables

These values are possible for the Params field.

Possible attributes:

Spawn creature ID, and will not consume the item.

Give N credits.

Give N ability points (permanent).

Identifies this as a gamble item. If this item is purchased from a vendor, a generated item will be produced instead, with an item level matching player character's level. Generated items are produced by the ItemMod system. If gambling is enabled for this item, the following properties can be used to customize further.

For gamble=1 items. Cost multiplier to level. This forms the actual cost (in copper) of the base gamble item when purchased from vendors. This allows cheap low level items, and expensive high level items. Because the cost is variable, the exact price is not visible in the vendor panel.

For gamble=1 items. Multiplier to the randomizer drop rate. This further enhances the rarity chances from drop_rate_profile

For gamble=1 items. Selects the drop rate profile to use. This determines how often a specific rarity will roll. See Data/DropRateProfile.txt for possible drop rate profiles. You can also create new profiles there, specific for gambling.

Extra Params for Equipment

These values are possible for the Params field.

If the parameter is a creature stat type, equipping the item will provide an additional boost for that particular stat. This is intended to allow extended modifiers like health regeneration or critical hit chance to be assigned to standard, non-randomized items.

You may use any numeric stat type, except the stats from the following list (use the appropriate intrinsic ItemDef fields instead). String-type stats (like display_name) cannot be used. strength dexterity constitution psyche spirit damage_resist_melee damage_resist_fire damage_resist_frost damage_resist_mystic damage_resist_death